Sunday, November 20, 2011

Response to "Attitude of Gratitude"

I love hearing the praises of our blessed, gracious mother Sarah, even though she could be a real pain in the neck.

Upon her insistence, her husband Abraham, the Father of Many, went into their handmaid surrogate Hagar to produce an heir for the sterile couple.

In spite of her unbelief, God still blessed her with a son through her lawful husband, Isaac, through whom all the nations of the world would be blessed!

Indeed, a righteous person knows nothing but good days, because for the righteous, for those who love God because He has loved them first, everything is a matter of faith, and we are thus rewarded by God, who becomes for believers our shield and exceeding great reward.

Abraham and Sarah were duly rewarded, from the grace of the letter " הָ֔ Heh" prophetically added to their names, to the joyful birth and rearing of Isaac, even to the bold declaration of lawful Sarah demanding that Abraham "cast out the bond woman and her son" (Genesis 21:10). Sarah was one tough Mama, and she commanded respect because she received the Lord's favor by faith in the Lord, just like her blessed husband Abraham! (cf Genesis 15:1)!

On a side note, Sarah was a woman of integrity, blessed with a beauty that she never compromised, for despite the lecherous yearnings of King Abimelech the Philistine, Sarah never once bedded any other man but her blessed husband Abraham.

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