Sunday, November 20, 2011

DREAM Act a Nightmare: Dream of Free Markets is Better

Instead of haggling over who is entitled to pay state tuition to attend a state university, the states should abandon the practice of subsidizing post-secondary institutions.

In a free market, universities would compete for enrollees with better prices, offering more distinct programs which prepare today's youth for tomorrow's job market.

For now, most universities are flowing along on state subsidies, which are becoming harder to come by as cash-strapped states have a harder time hoarding enough revenue to pay the essential expenses.

Rather than the politicking that has erupted around the questionable implications of illegal immigration, let's get the government out of as many agencies as possible. Every person in this country, illegal or not, would be on his or her own to pay for a college education, an investment which has no value for an undocumented immigrant anyway, since they have no identification to qualify them as citizens in the first place.

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