Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Comment on "My Utmost" April 27 -- 28 Part IV

"The way to get out of that state is to abandon to God. When you do get through to abandonment to God, you will be the most surprised and delighted creature on earth; God has got you absolutely and has given you your life. If you are not there, it is either because of disobedience or a refusal to be simple enough."

"Abandon" is an odd word.

To some people, it means complete heedless freedom.

To others, it is a concerted effort to release into another person's care.

It is in the second sense of the word that we can best appreciate the point that Oswald Chambers is making.

Yet even then, the language still suggests that there is something more that we must do.

When we receive the grace of God through Jesus Christ by faith, we are not "doing" so much as "being-receiving".

We are already one with God, sitting in High places with Christ, walking with Him, and standing to face all the wiles of Enemy with Him in us!

In effect, we do not "abandon" so much as recognize that we are His, that we are already "abandoned", and there is nothing we can do about it, for better or worse.

And I would say, for better!

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