Thursday, September 8, 2011

Civil Disobedience as Refusing to Listen

If people won't listen to you, do not listen to them.

Henry David Thoreau opposed the Mexican-American war. He refused to pay his taxes.

Slaves resisted their unjust masters by failing to put away the tools forced upon them as the tilled the land which was not theirs.

Students do not follow directions of their teachers.

Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern Baptist Christian League would swarm en masse public parks and libraries, refusing to leave when they entered the "Whites Only" section.

French nobleman and manqué political theorist speculated why people obey. If a community does not respect the laws imposed on them, then why comply? Why pay taxes? Why participate? If enough people coordinated their responses within a society, civilly engaging in civil disobedience, the oppressing workings of the state would grind to a halt.

If you do not like the system, if you do not like the rules of the game, then do not subscribe to them. Do not heed the language of oppression which robs you of your freedom in the name of security or comity. Do not listen or follow directions. Do not listen. Do not.

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