Monday, August 1, 2011

Joe Scaroborough, the Fat White Pink Boys, and Etienne de la Boetie

Civil Disobedience is sometimes nothing more than refusing to participate.

Do not pay your taxes, as Thoreau did, when he sat in jail for refusing to give money waging an illegal war in Mexico.

Etienne de la Boetie, Renaissance darling to the Libertarian movement, penned a moving work which probed a fundamental question: Why obey? Why follow the orders of the state? If the state offends the subjects, why not "not obey"? Do not pay taxes, and the state loses its fiscal force to rule. . .

One reason: the many state functionaries who profit form the State despoiling the masses, the Fat White Pink Boys who have no interest in the apparatus of the state being shut down. They collect their hefty, do-nothing salaries, they order the real movers and shakers throughout the world, and they even dictate to lobbyists, who dictate to elected officials how to vote and who to support.

They are the real monsters in Washington, the biggest, fattest, whitest, and pinkest reason why the State grows. Even though the Gipper crowed: "Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem!", we need to focus on what is the source, the core of this decay--the mindless, faceless bureaucracy leeching off the teats of the Federal system.

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