Monday, August 1, 2011

Joe Scaroborough and the Fat White Pink Boys

Former Congressman Joe Scarborough identified the biggest threat to the American People, also the biggest roadblock to real reform: the teeming millions of bureaucratic minions who live off the government dole, collecting six-figure salaries to regulate the chaos. They do not want the Welfare State to end because they depend on the Welfare state for their livelihood! Yet they are not the welfare queens and food stamp junkies, they are the office staff of the office staff of the office staff of the Executive Departments and Congressional Committees who get by own tax-payer. Nameless, faceless, normless, they collect a check to keep the Federal Government Dysfunction slouching along.

Scarborough aptly named these swine: Fat White Pink Boys. These pigs engorge themselves at the public trough on our dime (and dollar, but who's counting, right?), doing nothing, yet getting paid more and more for the unearned, undeserved privilege of doing nothing..

The American people are tired of throwing their taxes before these swine, only to be trampled with unending regulation, taxation, and public invasion into our private lives.

The Fat White Pink Boys must be done away with once and for all. In the words of a recently corralled Fat White Pink Boy, Robert Rizzo: pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered. With the national debt soaring past $14 trillion, these hogs are ready to fry!

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