Thursday, August 15, 2024

Magadonians v. Kamaladonians in "Random Lengths News"

James Preston Allen mocks MAGA Republicans for deifying “the orange man as some kind of savior of fundamentalist beliefs.”

I agree: there is too much Magadonia worship. Trump is no Savior.

No President can be a savior in any sense.

And yet, Allen gives Kamala Harris the same kind of mythic, divine treatment, when he compares the former California AG to the mythic figures in Delacroix’s painting Liberty Leading the People and the Statue of Liberty itself.

Allen places in Harris all his hopes and dreams of “leading American patriots against the threat of Trumpian tyranny.” I that is not hero worship, then what is?

Also, the cartoon smearing JD Vance as some kind of silver spoon-fed billionaire is a total lie. He was born dirt-poor in Ohio, very much a working-class Appalachian kid of the hills, a true Hillbilly, according to his autobiography.

Since when is it wrong for someone born in poverty to emerge out of his dire straits to become a strong, successful, and grateful citizen?

JD Vance worked his way into success and prominence. Kamala Harris slept her way to the top, starting with her boy-toy Willie Brown, then pandered to the most radical, left-wing elements in San Francisco, then California to get elected to higher office.

Does anyone see the supreme irony in Kamaladonians like Allen putting his hopes in an un-elected presidential candidate, one forced on us following Nancy Pelosi’s machinations, as the Savior of Democracy? Oh, the significance of the passage of time!

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