Thursday, December 24, 2020

Amb. Grenell Wanted to Push LGBT Agenda On the World Through Trump Administration (From Peter LaBarbera)

Two years ago, Peter LaBarbera spoke out boldly against President Trump's lip service to decriminalizing homosexuality around the world.

No, this is not a call to lock people up for abusing their bodies with other people of the same sex. This post is a reminder, however, that societies operate best (and based) when they target certain behaviors are criminal and deviant in order to discourage their proliferation.

Here's the full contents of Peter LaBarbara's statement against Former Asb. Rick Grenell and the push to decriminalize homosexuality around the world:


Hey all, this is terrible news. Of course, we all, like Trump, oppose Draconian state punishments against homosexual behavior, which exist mostly in Islamic and African nations. But it was only a few short years ago that our own US Supreme Court in Lawrence v. Texas reversed itself and struck down that state's anti-sodomy law--a major domino that led to the current crisis of nationwide SSM (Obergefell) and state-enforced homosexualism, including compulsory LGBTQ indoctrination in schools in states like IL and CA.

The decriminalization of homosexuality leads inexorably to greater acceptance of and then forced acceptance of same, through escalating LGBTQ activist demands. Here Rick Grenell, Trump's openly homosexual (and self-styled "gay Christian") Ambassador to Germany, works his subversive magic, but he does so in large part through our collective lack of resistance. 

Tragically, in 2018, ADF specifically renounced anti-sodomy laws worldwide in response to a leftist group targeting them ( Of course, ADF (like every other pro-family organization) once supported sodomy laws, eg, in an amicus brief to Lawrence. (This does not mean that ADF or any of us supported "throwing gay men in jail," but the Law is a Teacher.) Every time we back up it only makes it easier for the enemies of Truth on this issue to advance. 

America's and the UK's descent into LGBTQ-chaos (Stephen Black's term) must be a warning to the world: don't make ANY concessions to LGBTQ militants; they'll only keep demanding more until their Gay/Trans Revolution is achieved! 

I spoke in Jamaica a few years back and 90+% of the public supported the anti-"buggery" (sodomy) law: they don't want to become like us with our God-defying "same-sex marriages" and our raging gender confusion corrupting and destroying children's minds and bodies!

At this point, most Republicans probably support Trump putting this line in his UN speech, but we cannot. How can we--or can we at all--put the brakes on Trump's/Grenell's advancement of homosexuality and this key component of LGBTQ activism abroad? -- Peter LaBarbera,

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