Thursday, December 7, 2017

I Trolled A Communist at This San Bernardino Rally: YouTube Took Down the Video Because "Hate Speech"

For the first five months, I have been steadily targeted on my YouTube and Facebook accounts. The censorship of conservatives is real, and it's getting really bad.

Based on my best inferences, and from what other supporters and followers have been telling me, a dedicated group of anti-Trump, anti-free speech, anti-Truth, anti-American leftists have been targeting me, my social media channels, and my in-person exploits throughout Los Angeles County.

Along with pro-enforcement group We the People Rising, I have counter-protested illegal aliens and their pandering, enabling social justice warriors in San Bernardino County and Orange County, too. I have attended events in San Diego and Riverside Counties as time and opportunity permitted.

Two days ago, I counter-protested a gathering of pro-illegals in front of the ICE Building near Downtown San Bernardino. I livestreamed on YouTube for about two hours. The group of liberal SJWs was unimpressive and pretty arrogant at the outset. Despite the chilling winds and low temperatures, We the People Rising kept up the heat and put up a strong front against the pro-illegals. One woman exposed her anti-American hate when she shouted "America sucks", then chanted "Make America Brown Again."

They are indeed Brown Supremacists, pushing a bigoted, racist agenda to get rid of everyone who does not look like them or share their values that "brown power" is the only power that matters.

Good news poured in towards the end of their demonstration. The lawyers for the woman who was apprehended by ICE informed her illegal supporters that she would be deported. The dejected look on the illegals' faces was something to behold. Never once had I seen such dismay and sorrow in the liberal, progressive leftist opposition.

Now comes the point of contention regarding freedom of speech. After the major protests had subsided, and we declared victory against the racist pro-illegal faction rallying in smaller numbers before us, an older, heavy-set man with a flag bearing the Red Communist star walked down the street toward the group.

I can't believe that there are still men and women who believe that Communism is a worthy political and economic system to set up and replicate. Shameful. Completely shameful. Immediately, I began shouting at him to move to Venezuela, Cuba, or some other country with communism still in place (there are not that many left!).

Here's the short video I cut, and by clicking on it, you will get an "error" page.

I got this email within two short hours from YouTube regarding that video:

The title says it all--and I have many videos where I write about trolling opponents in counter-protests.

None of those videos have been taken down.

Here's the video loaded on three other platforms--just click on the links below:

There is nothing--absolutely nothing--which would quality as "hate speech" in this video.


Yet YouTube made the judgment that this video violated the community standards.

More like I violated the "Communist" standards, in that I am not afraid to speak out the unspeakable yet downplayed horrors of communist in modern history.

Indeed, I appealed this outrageous decision.

Here's the email I received:


Attacking and debunking communism is "hate speech" to YouTube?!

This is out of control. I have already been blocked on three different accounts on Facebook. I was suspended for 12 hours on Twitter for going after a corrupt, Fake News reporter for printing lies about me in the Los Angeles Times.

When I record a 1 minute video exposing a Communist and mercilessly attacking his ideology, YouTube deems it "hate speech." Then again, I guess I should not be surprised. This thought control waged by Google, from within their corporate office to their social media platforms, is completely in line with the Communist ideology, to silence all dissent and demand rigid, radical equality as they see fit.

We need to stand up to this abuse. Freedom of speech is too precious to allow anyone, whether a public or private entity, to use the "hate speech" card as an excuse to silence people and their content.

1 comment:

  1. Unbelievable! I saw the video, and it was beyond benign compared to a lot of other YouTube channels. Since when are we not allowed to criticize communism? The level of censorship is astounding.
