Monday, September 4, 2017

My Statement on the Brown Supremacist Chicano Park Uproar on Sunday, September 3, 2017

I went with four other law-abiding citizens to visit Chicano Park, to see what the murals contained and to see what the park looked like.

Roger Ogden, one of the organizers for our peaceful event, had brought pizza and water for us to enjoy.

It was immediately clear to us that our lives were in danger as we saw jeering hordes of people across the street, many of whom were wearing brown bandanas or other kinds of masks to hide their identity. Some of them had sticks in their hands, intent on causing harm. Some of them looked like the Antifa hordes which have been waging violence against private citizens all over the state of California.

Within five minutes of our sitting down to eat, San Diego Police officers surrounded us.

Instead of respecting law enforcement, these Brown Supremacist hordes crossed the street, menacing and threatening us. They shouted violent threats at us, telling us to "Get out of Chicano Park."

We posed no threat, and we had no weapons of any kind on our persons. Why were we being threatened? Presumably because we were white, and nothing more.

The police officer in charge of the officers then informed us that the situation was "going south" and we had to leave. This was an unfair abuse of our First Amendment rights to peaceably assemble. The crowds of these anti-American looked for more ways to come into our gathering and attack us.

We had to be escorted to our cars with a squad of at least 15 police officers. What is happening in this country when American citizens cannot visit a park in their own state, in their own country, without threats and violence perpetrated against them?!

The leadership and promoters of Chicano Park should be ashamed of themselves for lying about our peaceful gathering and informing the protesters to show up and intimidate us.

The heated hatred of the Chicano Movement

This brazen racism on the part of the Chicano Movement--including the Park attendees and rallying members--is just outrageous and must be confronted by elected officials--local, state, and federal. Chicano Park should be open and available to all members of the public--and the anti-American, anti-police iconography needs to be removed."

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