Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Governor Brown on Muratsuchi's "Teacher Pervert Bill": "More Harm Than Good"

In 2012, Torrance resident--and former Los Angeles Unified teacher--Mark Berndt was arrested for very disturbing photographs showing students tied up and in bondage.

This teacher would end up opening a floodgate of corrupt practices and a history of abuse in Los Angeles Unified.

Berndt had had a disorderly history at Miramonte Elementary School. He had dropped his pants in public in front of students.

He was accused of exposing his genitals, masturbating in public.

Students complained that he had fondled them.

Parents also reported their fair share of complaints to the school.

The tenure laws were so tight, and the unions so strong,

So, getting rid of bad teachers should be a top priority.

But that was never former Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi's priority.


Here's what Muratsuchi's bill would have ended up doing:

1. Limit the testimony of pervert teachers' victims.

2. Limit the time for depositions.

3. Put pressure on witnesses while protecting the suspect.


Requires the governing board of a school district to immediately place a school employee on a mandatory leave of absence for certain allegations including, but not limited to, the following indictments (Sec. 6):

     The school employee is charged with any sex offense; or
     The school employee is charged with the unlawful sale, use, or exchange of controlled      
     substances with minors.

OK. So far so good.

Authorizes a governing board to issue a notice of suspension or dismissal at any time of the year, except for charges of unsatisfactory performance (Sec. 4).

Nothing wrong here.

Now it gets troublesome:

Limits the number of witnesses of whom an employee may take depositions to 5, whereas existing law does not limit the number of witnesses (Sec. 9).

Only a small number of witnesses can now speak out against a teacher's misconduct.

If this law was in place, how many of the young wrestlers would have been able to come forward to tell school authorities what former Torrance High wrestling coach Thomas Snider had done to them.

Notice that existing law does not place a limit on the number of witnesses.

Limits the amount of time allowed for each witness deposition to 7 hours (Sec. 9).

This bill would also limit testimony!!!

Requires a dismissal hearing requested by a school employee charged with violations to commence within 6 months of the request and end within 7 months of the request (Sec. 8).

The employee  gets a speedy hearing, but the potential victims face limits on what they can say?

Now, don't take my word for how bad this bill was, this Muratsuchi bill which was intended to protect students and hold bad teachers accountable.

"I am particularly concerned that limiting the number of depositions to five per side, regardless of the circumstances, and restricting a district's ability to amend charges even if new evidence comes to light, may do more harm than good."

Al Muratsuchi: Doing More Harm Than Good.

Say no to union puppets in Sacramento!

Re-Elect David Hadley For State Assembly!

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