Friday, January 29, 2016

My Comments to Maywood City Council: January 28th, 2016

Good Evening, Maywood City Council:

My name is Arthur Schaper, a resident of Torrance, CA, citizen of the United States, and proud member of We the People Rising.

I am visiting this city council today because I want to know for a fact whether this city has declared itself a “sanctuary city”.

I have submitted two records requests on this matter, and I am still waiting for an answer.

I understand that a new city clerk has been elected. Very Good. I would like to have that individual’s contact information to submit requests for the future.

In Los Angeles County, lawlessness in regards to our borders and our rule of law has increased terribly. Cudahy decided to declare itself a sanctuary city. The result: crime, corruption, and chaos. I witnessed the sorry display at their January 11th and 27th city council meetings.

Huntington Park, CA appointed two illegal aliens to city commissions in August. Those assignments command no respect or regard, and they must be rescinded.  With We the People Rising, I have protested these outrageous, illegal, and immoral actions.

San Francisco, CA is a more notorious example, a city whose elected officials decided to become a “city of refuge” in 1985 in order not to discriminate against those individuals seeking asylum from war-torn countries.

This status became an official law in 1989, with the following information provided:

"No department, agency, commission, officer or employee of the City and County of San Francisco shall use any City funds or resources to assist in the enforcement of federal immigration law or to gather or disseminate information regarding the immigration status of individuals in the city.”

Even as recently as 2010, both Governor Brown as well as Republican candidate Meg Whitman declared their opposition to these policies. To this day, Governor Brown has done nothing. In fact, Brown has thrown out the welcome mat to illegal aliens, at the expense of legal residents and law abiding citizens.


His inaction, and the lawlessness imposed by all municipalities, has made us all less safe.

Here are the names of the following individuals killed by illegal aliens in the state of California:

Jamiel Shaw Jr.,

Sabine Durden,

Don Rosenberg,

Lupe Moreno,

Brenda Sparks,

Marilyn Pharis – Santa Maria

Kathryn Steinle – San Francisco

Steinle’s death is particularly telling, because it occurred in San Francisco, and the

Now former Sheriff of San Francisco County doubled down on this policy, even following her death.

Thankfully, the voters of San Francisco deported him.

And now we need our government, from the federal and the state, right down to the local, to enforce the law.

If Maywood has declared itself a sanctuary city policy in the past, this edict must be repealed, overturned, or removed.

If not, then I hope that the elected officials of this city will press on their neighboring cities – Cuday and Huntington Park, to start enforcing the law, respecting our Constitution, and demand the rule of law and respect for all citizens in Los Angeles County.

Thank you.

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