Saturday, September 1, 2012

Clint Eastwood at the RNC

The Good Not Afraid to Make the Bad Look Ugly
Clint Eastwood declared for the camera the latent truth:

There are many conservatives in Hollywood, but they don't blast. They are conservative in every way.

Clint would ask the following questions. He was talking about the election in 2008. The discussion was about Hope and Change.

Everybody was crying, even Oprah. He had not cried that hard

23 million unemployed are in this country. He started to cry for that -- that is disgraceful, and he is right. Obama has not done enough to deal with his problem.

It's time for someone else to come and solve the problem -- he did not give the warmest endorsement for Mitt when he said that.

How do you handle promises that you made during your election? This is a great question, and Clint Eastwood

He did not close Gitmo, as he promised that he would -- wow, Clint is really "with it" -- even I had forgotten that. He also brought up the failed attempt to bring the Khalid trial to New York City.

Obama was against the war in Iraq, but he favored the war in Afghanistan. How shameful that the professor in the Oval Office did not check in with the Russians, who failed miserably

Romney -- why are you giving the date out for withdrawal? Bring them home NOW! Yes, bring home our troops, bring them home!

More promises, not kept, thank you Clint, for keeping the President on his toes. Romney

Joe Biden -- the intellect of the Democratic Body -- what a witty, worthy chop! A smile with a body behind it.

I never thought it was a good idea for attorneys to be President - the Civil lawyer lobby has too much power in Washington. The dialectic of devil's advocate takes too much time away from making the necessary decisions.,

It is time for a businessman, Clint. Yes, and Romney is a stellar businessman. I wish that Clint had hammered home the stiff opposition that Mitt gave to the overwhelmingly Democratic statehouse in Massachusetts.

We own this country -- we the People own this country, not the President, not Washington, not the Congress. Politicians are our employees. Yes, I could not agree more.

Obama has not done his job. He needs to be let go.

Clint Eastwood seemed a little out of it, yet he commanded a roaring response from the RNC crowd.

"Go ahead! Make my day!"

Clint made the four days, that's for sure.

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