Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Weird Happenings in Local Churches

I cannot believe how ignorant most people choose to be about the Bible. Either a wanton arrogance or wanting understanding is keeping the members of the Body of Christ in bondage as to who they are in Christ, and thus the unsearchable riches which they can find and enjoy by searching the Scriptures.

I am dismayed and appalled at the lack of respect that most pastors have for their parishioners. We are all one in the Body of Christ through the Blood of Jesus! It is shameful and sad that most pastors dispense with little learning or encouragement so that individual believers can read the Word and meet Jesus Christ, who is more real than they are, who has more knowledge, power, wisdom,  and everything else.

Men and women alike are foolish and slow of heart, trying to get what they are already have, trying to be what they already are, trying to earn what  God gives, and which He can only give, for if we seek to earn what cannot be gotten through our own efforts, then we will give into the weak and beggarly elements of the world.

We were dead in our trespasses. Dead, not just sinners, but dead. We are body, soul, and spirit. We are woefully ignorant of who we are, and who we are in Christ Jesus!

We need to know who HE is, and then we need to know and believe that as He is, so are we in this world!

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