Saturday, November 12, 2011

Time's Up for Occupy Portland -- At Last

Occupy Everywhere's left-leaning tendencies have pushed even liberal enclaves to their limits.

Free speech is a protected franchise in the Bill of Rights. Unfortunately, most of the Occupy Everywhere crowd have ignored one important word: "peaceably"

When rampant drug use, sanitation, and criminality define a protest movement more than its message, then the time has come for the movement to move on.

Mayor Sam Adams should be commended for taking a stand against the illegal occupation of the public square in Portland, Oregon. It's unfortunate that he chose to wait until crime and corruption came to define a movement whose leader the mayor was still waiting to negotiate with.

A movement of mass protest without leadership has not business taking up space in the public square, unduly preventing the lawfully elected representatives from carrying out their responsibilities for their communities.

Behold the great irony of liberalism: advocates on the left have no problem making a fuss, breaking the law, and creating a disturbance as long as it does not affect their property, their fights, or their limited interests. When they come into power, no matter how lofty and equity-laden their rhetoric, they assert law and order when push comes to shove.

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