Sunday, November 6, 2011

Response to "Go Figure"

Income Distribution is just a fancy phrase for "legal theft" or "making off with the minority's money for majority minions."

The public has yet to receive any clarity as to who the "99%" actually represents.

Granted, Mayor Villaraigosa's charge that protest cannot continue indefinitely has little merit, considering the ongoing protests from the Tea Party, which has translated into significant gains for the Republican party. "Indefinite protest", however, is certain to peter out when protesters find themselves having to fend off free loaders and miscreants interested exclusively in sponging off of the same "99%".

Inequitable distribution of wealth is a morally neutral phenomenon, one that is constantly changing. Just as the richest person on Forbe's list changes from year to year, income rises and falls for individuals more frequently than rote charges of income inequality appear to attest. Even if the disparate distribution of wealth is unjust, what does the Occupy Everywhere offer as a solution? Raging at an unspecified "1%" accomplishes nothing but blocked roads, frustrated trade, and expanding deviance in the public square.

If there is a culprit instigating high unemployment, tight credit, and joblessness, it would be the federal government, whose interventions in the economy, with healthcare mandates, regulations, and stimulus packages have sent mixed signals to entrepreneurs skittish about investment in the midst of the ongoing climate of legal uncertainty. The Occupy Everywhere protesters need to rage at the Machine of Washington D.C., pressure lawmakers to restrict government to the principles enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, and release all other unconstitutionally usurped powers back to the states and the people.

Regarding the tarnished reputation of the media, the Occupy Everywhere claim that news organs are part of the "1%" conspiracy only highlights the inaccurate and floundering values of the movement. If the media is part of the problem, then how does one account for the differing interpretations of the movement from different commentators? Which media is the crowd indicting specifically?

"Go Figure" is an apt title describing a movement in need of a title. The protesters have not figure out the problem, the mainstream media is documenting the current problems emerging in the midst of these spontaneous protests, and the rest of the "99%" not demonstrating are intent on pressuring local, state, and federal leaders to do something.

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