Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pro8 8 Backers Win Another Chance

Marriage by definition is a union between (not among!) one man and one woman.

An oxymoron like "gay marriage" cannot render the association of two or more men or women a marriage any more than calling a dog's tale a "leg" would thus accord the canine five legs.

Still, the role of the state in determining the legitimacy of these private partnerships is forever suspect. Most gay activists have sought to legalize "gay marriage" not so much in order to permit two men or two women to marry "the person they love", but rather to broaden societal legitimacy to homosexual conduct. A number of homosexual couples are not seeking to marry where such unions are now legally permissible.

It is comforting, nevertheless, that Prop 8 supporters will have a chance to challenge their overturning of the constitutional amendment. There is no excuse or justification of any court, state or federal, to brush aside the will of the majority of voters in furtherance of cosmic justice or legal legislative fiat. Such measures reek of judicial activism, another oxymoron more heinous to the liberty and authority of the state and the people than "gay marriage."

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