Wednesday, November 16, 2011

ObamaCare before the Supremes

It was only a matter of time.

Different federal circuit courts have offered different opinions on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Now the Supreme Court of the United States will render the final judgment on this unsupportable, indefensible piece of nanny-state liberal lunacy.

Twenty-six states have already challenged the law in court. Recently, the voters in Ohio opted two-to-one to opt out of the federal mandate. This repudiation occurs in the wake of other states who have also invalidated the requirement that individuals must purchase something or face a stiff penalty from the state.

From former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's outrageous admission, "We have to pass the bill so that you can see what's in it!", to the legal analysis which has uncovered unintended benefits to middle income Americans, this bill was hastily thrown together without the proper review in committee or on the floor of either chamber of Congress.

From the legal shinanegans that rushed this legislation into passage -- kickbacks to key Senators and crucial constituencies, to the crass attempt at reconciliation in the House of Representatives, to the hollow and quickly rescinded executive order from President Obama to safeguard unborn children from federally subsidized abortions, the process that brought this bill into law is beyond execrable.

Even President Obama has already back-tracked from key components of the bill.

ObamaCare is unconstitutional. ObamaCare is unconscionable. ObamaCare is incontestably the worst law ever passed in modern times -- both in process and purpose. ObamaCare must be struck down.

Heaven help us, and the integrity of the Supreme Court, if the justices do not pursue the proper legal course and void the entire legislation.

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