Sunday, November 20, 2011

Obama and "We Can't Wait!"

I cannot wait for President Obama to out of office.

There is not hypocrisy or crass obstructionism in Mitch McConnell wishing the same, for one of the signature achievements of the Republican caucus will be the repeal of President Obama's signature achievement: ObamaCare.

President Obama has put not just his party, but his own power, above the needs of the American people. From punting every difficult decision to a Congress which he refuses to engage, to alienating key military partners in the furtherance of an ever-elusive global peace, Obama wants to be a perennial Community Organizer, a Campaign-in-Chief who coasts on flowery rhetoric as opposed to the facing the flesh and blood realities of working Americans and struggling small businesses.

He was good at promises; he was good at talking up frothy enthusiasm among an electorate hungering for "anything but Bush" in 2008. Now, the nation will take anything but Obama, provided that the next President of the United States will actually put the needs of this nation first.

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