Saturday, November 19, 2011

Joe Walsh: Angry Congressman

Most Congressmen do not ruffle their constituents' feathers, for fear of alienating them and losing their support during the next election.

Not Congressman Joe Walsh.

On a recently released YouTube video, he lashes out a constituents who still blame the Big Banks and the Big Corporations for the economic woes still trying this country.

Fed up with the repetition of the same distortions and lies, he lashes out:

"It's Big Government; It's the regulations imposed on the banks! It's Dodd-Frank!"

He shows that he is not afraid to get in constituents' faces with the facts.

I wish that we had more legislators like Congressman Walsh, individuals who refuse to compromise the truth, who put the welfare of their country and their posterity over their constituents, their position in government, or their political future.

Don't step telling it like it is, Congressman Walsh. This country needs more people not afraid to give a necessary jolt to a viewing public for too long taken along by a quiescent media and an ignorant political class.

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