Saturday, November 12, 2011

Commentary on Regulation of Food Trucks

In a free market, every company competes according to the same rules for the most profit.

If regulations must be, then they must be imposed on everyone equally. The results that follow, whether financial prosperity or failure, fall on the individual business.

Therefore, established restaurants that pay sales taxes and property taxes should not have to shoulder these burdens while food trucks can drive up, block traffic on downtown streets, and prevent the business of their founded competitors.

I do not condone the idea of discouraging individual businesses, yet if they rely on the property and security of a community, then they need to contribute some part of their revenue back to the communities that they serve.

Why not permit the food trucks to operate in designated areas, where they will then be expected to pay a requisite tax for using the space?

In other matters, why not remove some of the regulations that currently stymie the profit and innovation of currently established businesses? One Hermosa Beach merchant, Oliovera, was forced to close down by the County simply because it did not contain a large enough sink. Such ridiculous regulations have no business frustrating the business of local businesses.

Rather than imposing more regulations to discourage business, municipal governments need to limit regulation to the bare minimum on all merchants, whether founded or on wheels.

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