Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lieberman, Brown, and Traitors to the U.S.A.

Lieberman, Brown Introduce Legislation to Strip Traitors of US Citizenship

Treason is defined as "betrayal after trust."

Anwar al-Awlaki more than met that definition, having abandoned his nation of birth to wage holy war against the United States as a high-ranking member of Al-Qaeda.

This man deserved to die. Any American citizen choosing to side openly with heinous terrorists in deliberate acts of war has actively, if not officially, renounced his citizenship. Those dedicated to the violent destruction of this nation deserve not only to have their citizenship revoked, but to lose their lives, whether fighting in this country or abroad!

I may not agree with every policy and position of Senators Lieberman and Brown, but on this matter I think they are demonstrating not only necessary foresight, but an enhanced respect for the status of "citizen" in the United States of America.

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