Wednesday, October 12, 2011

City Council Supports Occupy Los Angeles: A Retort

Occupy Wall Street has hit Downtown Los Angeles. As if the City of Angels needed more masses without direction blocking traffic and frustrating commerce.

Downtown LA already has beggars hitting people up for handouts. Now, frustrated working and middle class protesters are taking up space and air time in LA City Hall, demanding a sop from the City Council, which has no money or integrity of its own.

Never hesitating to get involved in a populist movement (especially one deflecting attention away from their failing leadership), the fifteen Councilmembers have signaled their support for the movement's "peaceful and vibrant exercise" of First Amendment rights.

With partial apologies to the now-deceased William F. Buckley, I believe that the first two hundred demonstrators of this frustrated mass of protesters could do a better job governing the City of Los Angeles, rather than pitching tents and pitching anti-business rhetoric, as well taxing the City's overextended police force.

Let them get a taste of what it takes to run a city. Perhaps the bickering of these demonstrators would so suffocate any meaningful debate, that the City Council would be forced to suspend payments, auxiliary municipal services would shut down, and the taxpayers would save some money.

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