Monday, October 10, 2011

Arnold Schwarzenegger and His Museum

Don't the people of Austria have something or someone better to celebrate besides the star of "Pumping Iron"?

He father a child with a mistress, then paid her off to cover the scandal.

He did a lackluster, middling job as Governor, having done very little to resolve the entrenched, deficit-inducing gridlock that has defined Sacramento politics for the last decade.

And did not the Austrian people strip his name from a local stadium because of his ongoing support for the death penalty?

With the rise of populist media communications like blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and the like, everyone knows that we have a chance to achieve and cash in on fifteen minutes of fame. We do not need a bereft bodybuilder of questionable personal integrity to tell us that.

How sad indeed, though, that a man who prided himself on becoming a citizen of the United States, still hearkens back to his homeland for vapid adulation. I think most Americans couldn't care less.

The local press should be even more ashamed of itself. Are there not more pressing concerns for Californians to be concerned with? How about the work ethic and vision of the current governor, for example? Is he building up a state still reeling from an ongoing sluggish economy? Or is he just perpetuating the same Nanny State liberalism which has rendered the Golden State a worse-than-Bronze also-ran in terms of attracting business and spending state revenue?

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