Saturday, September 10, 2011

Romney, Perry, and the Reagan Rule

Romney and Perry are fighting for the status of "Most likely to run and beat President Obama in the 2012 Election."

Of course, their promise as Presidential candidates currently ways on how well the rank with the rank-and-file obsessed with every debate, thought, and off-hand comment put out by the Republican candidates, their clerisy, and the political-savvy Establishment.

Ronald Reagan has been vaulted to patron saint of Conversion, though his apostate policies both foreign and domestic strongly suggest that today's electorate find a Presidential Contender who will do and not just say the Right things.

Not just assailing the near-fanatic following of Reagan and his legacy, Republican stalwarts are propping up the "Reagan Rule", in which fellow Republican contenders must not attack each other, but stick to their own vision(ary) agendas in advancing their candidacy.

That relic of elections gone by has bit the dust, like the ash heap of history Soviet Empire.

Why else have debates but to witness prepared and partisan pols take on their contenders for one of the Top Spots in the Federal Government. The American People deserve to see what kind of fire is propelling this cadre of highly-qualified politicians to vie for Chief Executive in a land desperate not just for change, but real leadership.

Reagan's legacy will be passing. His hatred of Big Government is morphing into a meaningful advocacy of limited government, spending cuts, and entitlement reform, all of which the next President of the United States must be prepared to lead on, if he she wishes for this Republic to so long endure.

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