Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rick Perry -- Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, Fred Thompson?

Rick Perry is no Ronald Reagan:

He walks the walk as well as talks the talk. He doesn't just denounce Big Government, but he hast taken on the task of taking the Federal Government to task, a message which is resonating with the entire country, not just the Tea Party Movement.

He is no George W. Bush. Aside from the broad Southern Drawl and Texas Swagger, Perry is more than a Conservative in Name Only. He is brash and articulate, speaking beyond the stutterings, sputtering, and gaffes of the previous Commander in Chief.

He has presided over a healthy business climate while the rest of the nation has languished near double-digit unemployment. Despite his near nanny-state encroachment with mandated vaccinations, he has been chided by a legislature which has operated from a more moderate stance than he.

Unlike Bush 43, Perry led the state of Texas through good times and bad, getting elected into the Governor's mansion three times. Rather than softening his stance on the issues, his partisan tack on politics is just what the Beltway needs.

He is definitely no Fred Thompson. "Lazy" would be more than a misnomer, but a fatuous smear if applied to the galvanized Texas Governor, strong candidate in sharp contrast to the near non-campaign of the former "Law and Order" District Attorney who served one sleepy term as US Senator for Tennessee.

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