Tuesday, September 6, 2011

President's jobs plan may not be enough

"President's jobs plan may not be enough" ---

Another stunning understatement by the Mainstream Media!

How many more jobs plans is it going to take before the American People realize once and for all that there is only one person who needs to get a job, a real job, a better job -- and that would be President Obama.

He is a disgrace to the office that he holds. He had no skills when he took the oath of Office, he insisted on imposing an obtuse liberal agenda on a center-right country, which has steadily repudiated his out of touch agenda since his first year, electing two stalwart Republican challengers to the Governor's mansion in Virgina and New Jersey, followed by the Scott Brown upset in Massachusetts to replace Ted Kennedy.

Of course, there was also the grand shellacking of 2010, turning the House of Representatives Bright Republican Red, with the Senate soon to follow in 2012.

Even if President Obama survives another stunning electoral rebuke, he will no longer have a quasi-compliant legislature to push his partisan agenda on the United States, which is becoming increasingly disillusioned with the statist status quo of Big Government.

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