Monday, September 12, 2011

Perry vs. Romney = Nomination for Ron Paul

Political Axiom #102 (Per Columnist George Will):

When Presidential Candidate A attacks Candidate B, it helps Candidate C.

As Romney and Perry spar, destroying each others' legacy and viability for the 2012 general election, Congressman Ron Paul may pull off the upset victory that the Mainstream Media still passively disdains as impossible.

Perry has already waffled on his stance on Social Security. He is losing ground in the relentless attacks on his abortive executive order to require school children to be vaccinated in defense of cervical cancer. When he justified his granting lower tuition for illegal immigrants, he endured some hearty boos from the crowd. Such a position is untenable, whether an establishment or Tea Party Republican.

All of this biting and devouring at the Texas Governor, meanwhile, is allowing Ron Paul to growing in grace and knowledge of the still leery Republican electorate, a dissident bunch demanding thorough ideological purity.

Ron Paul quipped, "Governor Perry is the Candidate of the Week."

He may very well be right in this estimation.

With Paul's libertarian credentials appealing both to the left and the right in the Beltway and throughout the nation, it would appear that the erstwhile "nutty professor" of free markets and limited government dismissed by columnists, pundits, and media spokesmen may have the last laugh and capture the Republican Presidential nomination.

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