Saturday, September 17, 2011

Civilization is Built on "No!"

The most important word that a parent must learn to use decisively and frequently is:


The one word that politicians need to frame and force in their speeches and votes is:


The one word, the one idea, which has framed the existence and excellence of civilizations is:


A civilization, or a civilized society, as Mr. William F. Buckley explained, is based on the notion of excluding things.

We make it a point to discipline individuals for certain actions not just because they are harming themselves, but also for the harm they will cause future generations.

It is wrong for a man to sleep with his sister. It is reprehensible to steal from another, especially if you do not know the person personally.

By limiting options, by restraining forms of behavior -- in short, by inculcating certain forms of conduct, a society has the opportunity to survive beyond its initial generations.

In today's political landscape, it's the scarcity of this necessary word which has led to the political, social, and economic turmoil turning this nation in on itself.

Saying "No" to entitlements that are bankrupting our future.

Saying "No" to the artificial "right" to state assistance, which is picking the pockets of workers and invested entrepreneurs.

Saying "No" to ever spending increase and tax increase, especially since this nation is already spending money that it does not have.

No means No, and by saying "No" to more things now, we give future generations the opportunity to say "Yes" to more opportunities in the future.

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