Thursday, May 30, 2024

MassResistance Statement to Downey City Council Following Neutral Flag Policy

My name is Arthur Schaper, and I am a proud member of MassResistance, the international pro-family group that makes the difference. My last name is “Schaper,” not “Sharp,” Mayor Trujillo, so get it right!

On behalf of our organization, including our many activists in the city of Downey and throughout Los Angeles County, we want to thank the city of Downey for doing the right thing by passing a neutral flag policy.

During the May 14th, 2024 city council meeting, Mayor Trujillo attacked Downey residents, including our activists here in the city, and called them a “hate group.” He tried to hide behind the so-called “Southern California Poverty Law Center.”

They are a law firm based in Anaheim, California, and they have not issued such a defamatory label against us. The fact is that Mayor Trujillo, who claims to be part of this whole “Love is Love” movement, was the one displaying hate.

He forced this pride flag onto the community, when Downey residents had spoken out against it three years ago. He and his corrupt, felonious crony Catherine Alvarez, were never interested in serving the entire Downey Community, but rather wanted to push their limited, hateful, dishonest LGBT agenda on the city.

Mayor Trujillo got two things right. The neutral flag policy was an attack on the pride flag, because there was an appropriate flag policy in place before he and his liberal colleagues insisted on forcing other flags on the community. And yes, MassResistance is a well-organized pro-family organization.

It is really shameful that Mayor Trujillo used his position to attack mothers, fathers, immigrants, and Downey residents in general because they did not want to fly the pride flag in the city. It’s really laughable that he calls MassResistance “anti-immigrant,” because we have many immigrants in our activist organization. In fact, in some of our activist groups, we have more immigrants than native-born citizens!

Last of all, it’s obscene that Mayor Trujillo claims that the removal of the pride flag is a step backwards for the community. Have a neutral flag policy is a step forwards for unity in the community. It’s a step forward for standing for truth. The promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism is not the next step in the civil rights movement, but a corruption and a theft of the Civil rights movement. It is deeply offensive that Mayor Trujillo and others insist on stealing the honor and dignity of the Civil Rights Movement to cover up and justify their private traumas and turn sexual perversions into a public spectacle.

To quote Karen Carpenter: “We’ve only just begun.” It is wrong for the city of Downey to provide taxpayer funding for the Downey Pride Festival. Why should any city celebrate an agenda which promotes harmful behaviors which short a person’s lifespan and spread disease. Even Councilman Ortiz opposed the pride festival when he ran for office last year.

Last of all, Mayor Trujillo has repeatedly attacked, shamed, and defamed Downey residents, and in these council chambers. He has called residents “idiots,” “Gaza people,” and now he calls them a “hate group.”

This is disgusting behavior from an elected official who is supposed to represent all residents. I think such conduct deserves a motion of censure from this body. No elected official should be allowed to attack and shame city residents, the people whom he is supposed to serve.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

LGBT, Corporate Media Meltdown Over CA MassResistance Victory in Downey, CA


Newspapers, TV, politicians, LGBT groups attack MassResistance for stopping “pride flag” requirement in California city.

Leftist attacks from across Southern California – even Florida and the U.K.

We must be doing something right!

May 29, 2024
ALT TEXT The headline on the NBC News website in Los Angeles.

You can tell you’re being effective by the hysterical reaction of the mainstream media and leftist politicians.

Last week we reported that outcry and pressure from our local California MassResistance chapter in Downey, a suburb of Los Angeles, made the City Council derail their annual “pride flag” requirement.

For the previous three years, the City Council had required the “pride flag” be flown on city buildings during “gay pride month” in June. But this year, the City Council backed down to outraged citizens and passed a “neutral flag” policy declaring that only government flags (so no pride flag!) could fly at city buildings.

To the average person, this makes perfect sense. Why should the government require flying a flag that represents a nasty anti-Christian movement promoting unhealthy and destructive behavior? But the LGBT movement and its allies were furious. They insist that the public must be forced to accept and accommodate their symbol. No disagreement is acceptable.

So almost immediately, MassResistance was attacked by leftist media, politicians, and LGBT groups across Southern California. Attacks came from as far away as Florida and the U.K.

Mainstream media have abandoned any pretense of objectivity on the “LGBT rights” issue. They vigorously use the tactic of portraying homosexuals and transgenders as victims (not aggressors!) and anyone who disagrees as a Nazi or bigot. A favorite hammer is the phony “hate group” label from the universally discredited Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a scam used by leftist reporters to smear numerous conservative organizations.

Here’s a sample of the leftist outrage against MassResistance in the days following the Downey City Council vote from media, politicians, and rabid LGBT groups.

Mainstream media

Los Angeles Times. They attack MassResistance in their article as well as numerous officials. But not surprisingly, they don't allow any Downey citizens (or us!) to present the other side.


AOL and Yahoo! News-UK. Both almost immediately reprinted the Los Angeles Times article

NBC News – Los Angeles. This used an extended “hate group” attack by the “gay” mayor, but also included a quote from Arthur explaining how the local citizens felt.

VIDEO: NBC News report (2 min 37 sec)

ABC News – Los Angeles. This was probably the least biased report. It gave both sides, including an interview with Arthur Schaper of MassResistance.

VIDEO: ABC News report (2 min 6 sec)

Los Cerritos News. City of Downey Bans LGBTQ+ Pride Flag.  This unhinged “newspaper” serving the southern suburbs of Los Angeles attacks MassResistance’s California leader Arthur Schaper as “a right-wing activist” who traffics in lies and “homophobic actions.”

The Downey Patriot published three articles on the same day:

Downey votes to no longer fly Pride flag in June  This is their “objective” report, which calls us a “hate group” but does not include quotes from local MassResistance citizens in defense of their position.

LGBTQ+ elected officials express 'profound disappointment' with Downey   Quotes Los Angeles County Assessor Jeff Prang saying, “This is a flag that symbolizes hope, freedom and unity … we are deeply disappointed but also incredibly surprised.”

Editorial: Downey goes backwards by banning Pride flag  “Instead of fostering inclusivity and celebrating diversity, they’re choosing to sow seeds of division. Instead of promoting unity and acceptance, they’re widening the gap between different groups within the city.”


Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn: She wailed about her disappointment in an Instagram post. “I worry about the message it sends to LGBTQ+ residents.”

State Assemblywoman Blanca Pancheco: She posted a statement on Instagram that mandating the “pride flag” (but not other flags) embraces diversity. It seems like Orwellian doubletalk.

Congressman Robert Garcia (who represents Downey and is openly homosexual) posted a statement on Instagram calling the move “a step backwards.”

Congresswoman Linda Sanchez (who doesn’t represent Downey) sent out a press release calling it “a petty decision.”

LGBT “Media”

Los Angeles Blade. City of Downey bans Pride Flag, Mayor labels it attack on LGBTQ+ Hardcore homosexual newspaper based in Los Angeles. Of course, they had to write about this.

Out South Florida. Homosexual newspaper in Florida re-printed the Los Angeles Blade article.

Social media

This news burned up the social media in the Downey area. But our people had a lot of fun taking that on. Here’s just one example:


Final Thoughts

Most pro-family groups constantly try to avoid being called nasty names by the Left. Staying “clean” and respectful makes it easier to raise money. But it doesn’t get the job done.

The “culture war” is a very nasty battle. The hypocrisy of the media and the leftist politicians is front and center. Black Lives Matter and Antifa burned Bibles, spewed hate, threw bottles of urine at police, burnt down a Minneapolis police precinct, and caused terrible damage across the country. The current Hamas supporters call for the murder of Jews. But according to the media and the corrupt Southern Poverty Law Center, they are simply “protesters.”

Yet the same media shamelessly demonizes a group of local parents and citizens who pose no danger to anyone. We’re not allowing it to intimidate us!

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Thursday, May 23, 2024

HUGE WIN for CA MassResistance: Liberal City Votes to Stop Flying PRIDE Flag


MassResistance citizen outcry stops June “Pride Flag” requirement for public buildings in Los Angeles suburb.

Statewide LGBT group & prominent politicians tried to keep the order alive.

“Gay” mayor goes on rant blaming MassResistance.

May 23, 2024
ALT TEXT MassResistance activists pose in front of Downey City Hall just before the City Council meeting where the "pride flag" vote was taken.

Dedicated pro-family citizens – along with the right strategies and tactics – can win eve in leftist-dominated locales.

Downey, California is a suburb of Los Angeles and a predominately Democrat city. Its 5-member City Council includes two openly “gay” men, including the Mayor. The Mayor helps run the Los Angeles County LGBTQ+ Elected Officials Association.

Nevertheless, four years ago MassResistance had a surprising victory in that city! We organized Downey families to successfully force the School Board to completely remove a Planned Parenthood sex-ed curriculum from the school system.

Pride Flags ordered to fly during June for past 3 years

For the past three years, the City Council enthusiastically passed a resolution ordering City Hall and other city properties to fly the LGBT rainbow flag during the month of June to commemorate “Gay Pride” month. This outraged lots of families in the city who see it as a blatant act forcing the city to celebrate an anti-Christian movement pushing sexual perversions.

Last year, local MassResistance activists came to the City Council meeting and spoke out against the resolution. They urged the Council to adopt a “neutral flag policy” instead that would only allow government flags – US, California, Downey,, and POW flags – to be flown on city property. But the City Council ignored them and passed the “Pride flag” order again for June 2023.

Getting to work fighting back!

Right after that, the MassResistance families decided they weren’t going to let that happen again in 2024 and got to work.

A few months later, in November 2023, there were two special elections – to replace City Council members who had left office before their terms ended. Our activists confronted all the candidates about supporting a neutral flag policy. Many agreed, and some even supported stopping city funding for the local Pride festival. In the end, one pro-family candidate won, though one “gay” candidate also won. It was a good start!

Starting in late November, our activists consistently emailed and called the City Council members to demand a neutral flag policy. If at first they didn’t respond, more calls were made until they did! Local activists also provided sample language for the ordinance.

In March 2024, nearby Huntington Beach, CA voters passed a referendum banning non-government flags on city property. And Joe Biden reluctantly signed a budget bill that included a ban on LGBT flags at US embassies. But getting this policy past the leftist Downey City Council definitely presented a challenge.

At the April and May City Council meetings

At the April 9 Downey City Council meeting, our activists came and spoke passionately in favor of the neutral flag policy. Why should one group get honored and everyone else left out? One of our activists pointed out that the whole LGBT movement is about people who suffer loneliness and a lack of love, and are seeking to meet their needs in unnatural relationships.

Our hard work clearly made a difference. After the public comment portion of that meeting, it was moved and seconded to put a neutral flag policy on the agenda for an upcoming meeting.

At the next Downey City Council meeting on April 23, more of our activists spoke out in favor of the neutral flag policy. The City Council reportedly had also been discussing it in their closed session. Things were happening!

A few days later it was announced that the City Council would take up the matter at the May 14 meeting – just days before “Pride month” was to begin.

The LGBT movement and the leftists were clearly alarmed. On May 5, the statewide LGBT group Equality California sent out an email blast telling their members to attend the Downey City Council meeting on May 14, warning them that “anti-LGBTQ+ extremists” are out to “silence your pride” and make the city “unwelcoming.”

ALT TEXT The Mayor had already organized a special "Pride Flag Raising Ceremony" - and then had to cancel it! [Photo: ABC News Channel 7]

At the May 14 meeting, it was clear that the political establishment did not want this to pass. Besides the LGBT activists who came (only two or three showed up), staff from the district’s State Assemblywoman and staff from a member of the L.A. County Board of Supervisors (who had pushed for a county-wide Pride Flag resolution) came to urge the City Council to reject the neutral flag policy.

State Assemblywoman Janice Hahn, who sent staff to the Downey meeting to fight the neutral flag policy, is shown here a recent L.A. Gay Pride Parade.

The policy was on the meeting’s agenda, but it was placed at the end of a very lengthy item that took nearly three hours to finish. Then there was an hour of public comment – which several MassResistance citizens participated in.

“Gay” Mayor makes nasty speech blaming MassResistance

Just before the vote, when it had become clear the neutral policy would pass, the openly homosexual Mayor made an angry speech castigating MassResistance. He started off,:

This motion strikes me as a direct attack on the Pride flag. Let’s be clear on what we’re doing. This motion came about because of a group called MassResistance. Some of their members are sitting in the back… It’s an organized group … This is a step backward for our city …

He went on to say that our two goals are “anti-immigration” (offering no evidence) and “anti-Pride flag.” Not surprisingly, he labeled us a “hate group,” which is a typical leftist and “gay” projection of their own hate. His rant bashed religious people who read the Bible as hypocrites who harm their children. He said the Pride flag needs to fly because homosexuals need to feel welcomed.

The Mayor’s statement upset some of the City Council members. One of them immediately spoke out:

I firmly disagree with that statement. This is not an attack on any one community. We stand united under the flag of this country. It unites all of us regardless of race, color, or religion. We are called to represent all of our residents.

ALT TEXT MassResistance activists gave strong testimony during the public comments and stayed until the end!
ALT TEXT Just before the vote, the Mayor (center) goes through his rant against MassResistance. The woman toward the right (in front of the white California flag) is the Council member who strongly disagreed with him — and voted for the policy.

The vote

The neutral flag policy passed 3-2. The two “no” votes were by the two homosexuals on the City Council. This was another stunning pro-family victory in a city dominated by Democrats, in one of the most pro-LGBT counties in the country, with a City Council headed by one of the most outspoken LGBT activists in the region.

ALT TEXT When the vote was displayed — 3 yes, 2 no, and 0 abstaining — the leftists were shocked and angry!

Final thoughts

Our MassResistance group in Downey has stuck together for years, and is willing to do what it takes to get good things done. A lot of activity went on (purposely) behind the scenes, which was part of the plan. And they’re not done in Downey. We see this as a springboard to even greater achievements there!

One more thing: To get an idea how shocked and angry this made leftists, one need only look at how the mainstream media in L.A. County (and beyond) exploded over this City Council vote. And the Mayor continued to publicly complain about MassResistance. We will report on that in our next post!

ALT TEXT Thanks to our activists' work, only the US flag, California flag, Downy city flag, and POW flag will fly over City Hall and other government buildings there!
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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Muslim (!) Blogger: Palestinians? You Do Not Have a Case

This is all you need to see.

What a savage takedown of the so-called plight of "Palestintians." 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

TAC: Thomas Jefferson Sought Congressional Approval Before Declaring War on the Barbary Pirates


DEBUNKED! Jefferson and War Powers

May 14, 1801: WAR IS DECLARED on the United States. Despite all the lies and propaganda they constantly feed us - Thomas Jefferson didn't go to war with the Barbary pirates without getting approval from Congress.
Learn the truth of this intentionally-hidden history.

People on both the left and the right claim the president possesses significant, unilateral power over military action, and they support this myth by perpetuating a big lie – that Thomas Jefferson did the same in response to the Barbary Pirates. 

But like so many other myths about expansive federal power, historical truth doesn’t back up this commonly held narrative. In fact, Jefferson deferred to Congress throughout the Barbary conflict.


The Constitution vests the power to “declare war” in Congress. The founders understood this to mean changing the state of things from peace to war. This could occur through words or actions.

As Thomas Jefferson wrote, “Congress alone is constitutionally invested with the power of changing our condition from peace to war.”

Some argue that if another country declares war – whether in word or by deed – this action by the other country changes the state of things from peace to war, empowering the president to act with offensive measures without any congressional input. But Jefferson disagreed, leaving the decision of how to respond to such outside declarations of war to the representatives of the people and the states. We can see this by the way he responded to the Barbary pirates


By the time Jefferson took office, aggression against U.S. shipping off the coast of Africa had been going on for years, with pirates of the Barbary States preying on American ships. European countries had experienced much of the same, and negotiated peace with the states by paying tribute – sums of money that were effectively ransoms to protect their shipping. 

Before his presidency, Jefferson had been involved in negotiating with the aggressors, and he did not support paying tribute. Jefferson expressed his sentiments in a letter to James Monroe on Nov. 11, 1784.

“We have taken some pains to find out the sums which the nations of Europe give to the Barbary states to purchase their peace. They will not tell this; yet from some glimmerings it appears to be very considerable; and I do expect that they would tax us at one, two, or perhaps three hundred thousand dollars a year. Surely our people will not give this. Would it not be better to offer them an equal treaty? If they refuse, why not go to war with them?” [emphasis added]

A month later, having learned that a small American brig had been seized by a Moroccan corsair in the Atlantic, Jefferson again emphasized the hard line in a letter to Horatio Gates:

“Tribute or war is the usual alternative of these pirates. If we yield the former, it will require sums which our people will feel. Why not begin a navy then and decide on war?”

Jefferson’s view notwithstanding, in the years to follow, President John Adams negotiated treaties with several Barbary states including Algiers and Tripoli, with the latter getting a payment of $18,000/year.

But, as Jefferson warned in 1784, such a deal would never be enough, and Pasha Yusuf Karamanli of Tripoli felt like he got the short end of the stick. Within a year of the deal with the Adams administration – and a full five months before Jefferson took office – the Pasha demanded significantly more money and began taking an increasingly aggressive stance against the U.S.

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The U.S. consul in Tripoli James Cathcart wrote to the Secretary of State on Oct. 7, 1800, that the Pasha said “If you don’t give me a present I will forge a pretext to capture your defenseless merchantmen.” 

Just a week later, Tripoli proved their intentions when they captured another American ship. But, possibly it was just a warning, as the crew was released immediately.

By Feb. 21, 1801, Cathcart was warning that war was imminent. In a Circular to the Consuls and Agents of the United States, he wrote “I am convinced that the Bashaw of Tripoli will commence Hostilitys against the U. States of America in less than Sixty Days.”

In the meantime, just before Jefferson’s inauguration in 1801, Congress passed “An Act Providing for a Naval Peace Establishment,” legislation providing for six frigates that “shall be officered and manned as the President of the United States may direct.”


In a meeting on May 15, 1801, Jefferson and his cabinet discussed what options were available to them under the Constitution. In attendance were Attorney General Levi Lincoln, Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin, Secretary of State James Madison, and Acting Secretary of the Navy Samuel Smith. The entire cabinet agreed that ships should be sent out – and if war was declared, to use defensive measures.

Lincoln’s position was the most reserved, “Our men of war may repel an attack on individual vessels, but after the repulse, may not proceed to destroy the enemy’s vessels generally.”

Jefferson’s notes also included this:

“Whether the captains may be authorized, if war exists, to search for & destroy the enemy’s vessels wherever they can find them?—all except mr L—agree they should; M. G. & S. think they may pursue into the harbours, but M. that they may not enter but in pursuit.” [emphasis in original]

In short – only in a state of war, did anyone in the cabinet believe the Jefferson administration was authorized to respond with force. And even there, Lincoln held that an attack could be repelled, but they couldn’t search for the enemy, and Madison held they weren’t even authorized to enter into enemy harbors except in an active pursuit.

By May 20, Smith sent orders from the President to Commodore Richard Dale to sail to Tripoli along with an offer of peace. 

Jefferson’s letter to the Pasha opened with “Great and Respected Friend.”

“The assurances of friendship which our Consul has given you, & of our sincere desire to cultivate peace & commerce with your subjects, are faithful expressions of our dispositions, and you will continue to find proofs of them in all those acts of respect & friendly intercourse which are due6 between nations standing as we do in the relations of peace & amity with each other”

He also explained that he was sending this squadron to observe the situation and “superintend the safety of our commerce.” Jefferson also made clear that peace could be the order of the day and the squadron was given strict orders on these lines:

“We have yet given them in strict command to conduct themselves towards all friendly powers with the most perfect respect & good order it being the first object of our sollicitude to cherish peace & friendship with all nations with whom it can be held on terms of equality & reciprocity.”

At the same time, Commodore Dale was also given specific orders on how to proceed if he found that war had already been declared against the United States:

“Should the bey of tripoli have declared war (as he has threatened) against the united states – you will then proceed direct to that Port, where you will lay your ships in such a position as effectually to prevent any of their vessels from going in or out. The essex and enterprise by cruising well on towards tunis will have it in their power to intercept any vessels which they may have captuers”


That’s exactly what happened in the meantime, on May 14, 1801.

The following day, Cathcart sent out a circular, to inform others that the Pasha of Tripoli declared war on the United States:

“I am sorry to inform you that our Flagstaff was chop’d down upon Thursday the 14th instant and War was declared in form by the Bashaw of Tripoli against the United States of America” [emphasis added]

When the squadron arrived in the area on July 1, Commodore Dale learned that the Pasha had already declared war, and proceeded to take the defensive actions per the instructions from Pres. Jefferson via Sec. Smith.

Dale’s blockade of the port of Tripoli ran until early September, and during that time, Andrew Sterret, captain of the USS Enterprise, won the first American victory of the war, in its only battle of 1801. Because Congress had not yet responded to Tripoli’s declaration of war with one of their own, Sterret could not take the 14-gun corsair Tripoli as a prize. Instead, after winning the battle, he ordered the ship disarmed, throwing its guns overboard, and then released the crew and the ship. 

Path to Liberty

PODCAST: The Big Lie: Jefferson and War with the Barbary States

Both left and right have been more than happy to perpetuate a huge lie in order to justify unilateral executive war powers never delegated to the president in the Constitution. They do this by telling a false story of how Thomas Jefferson responded to the Barbary Pirates in 1801. Learn what really happened with a timeline of events.



Despite this battle, the previous attacks, and the formal declaration of war by Tripoli against the United States, Jefferson was firm in his position that he was still “unauthorized by the Constitution, without the sanction of Congress, to go beyond the line of defense.”

In his First Annual Message to Congress, he continued, requesting authorization from Congress to go further.

“The Legislature will doubtless consider whether, by authorizing measures of offense also, they will place our force on an equal footing with that of its adversaries. I communicate all material information on this subject, that in the exercise of this important function confided by the Constitution to the Legislature exclusively their judgment may form itself on a knowledge and consideration of every circumstances of weight.”

Less than 2 months later, Congress did just that.

On Feb. 6, 1802, Congress passed an “Act for the Protection of American Commerce and Seamen,” authorizing some limited offensive measures against Tripoli:

“It shall be lawful for the President of the United States to instruct the commanders of the respective public vessels aforesaid, to subdue, seize and make prize of all vessels, goods, and effects, belonging to the Bey of Tripoli, or to his subjects, and to bring or send the same into port, to be proceeded against, and distributed according to the law; and also to cause to be done all such other acts of precaution or hostility as the state of war will justify, and may, in his opinion, require.”

Only after requesting, and eventually receiving, this authorization for offensive war measures from Congress, did President Jefferson order the Navy to take such actions. On Feb 18, 1802, Jefferson sent a “Circular to Naval Commanders” with instructions on what they were authorized to do.

“THEREFORE, And in pursuance of the said statute, you are hereby authorized and directed to subdue, seize, and make prize, of all vessels, goods, and effects, belonging to the Bey of Tripoli, or to his subjects, and to bring or send the same into port, to be proceeded against and distributed according to law. “

In his Second Annual Message to Congress, Jefferson discussed the situation in Tripoli once again, clearly noting that “warfare” was ongoing. Yet, he still took a very restrained and limited approach.

“There was reason not long since to apprehend that the warfare in which we were engaged with Tripoli might be taken up by some other of the Barbary Powers. A reenforcement, therefore, was immediately ordered to the vessels already there. Subsequent information, however, has removed these apprehensions for the present. To secure our commerce in that sea with the smallest force competent, we have supposed it best to watch strictly the harbor of Tripoli. Still, however, the shallowness of their coast and the want of smaller vessels on our part has permitted some cruisers to escape unobserved, and to one of these an American vessel unfortunately fell prey. The captain, one American sea man, and two others of color remain prisoners with them unless exchanged under an agreement formerly made with the Bashaw, to whom, on the faith of that, some of his captive subjects had been restored.”

In the following years, Congress passed multiple statutes to authorize additional actions, including a March 26, 1804 “Act further to protect the commerce and seamen of the United States against the Barbary powers,” which gave explicit support for “warlike operations against the regency of Tripoli, or any other of the Barbary powers.” 


Note that these narrow congressional authorizations were explicit and described specific actions the president could take. They guided his decision-making and gave him very little discretion. They didn’t authorize Jefferson to take whatever steps he deemed necessary or to decide when and if he wanted to go to war. Congress engaged in the decision-making and Jefferson executed its will.

The historical events reveal Thomas Jefferson’s true view on war powers under the Constitution.

  1. Congress “exclusively” decides whether or not the country will engage in war. Not the president.
  2. The President can use the military to respond to attacks, but can not go “beyond the line of defense”
  3. Even if a war is declared by a nation against the United States, the president cannot go “beyond the line of defense” – and must get authorization from Congress to engage in “measures of offense.”

This is the kind of essential, foundational information we work to advance every single day of the year. Nothing - absolutely nothing - helps us roll up our sleeves and get the job done more than the financial faith and support of our members. 

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THANK YOU for reading - and for your support!

--Michael Boldin, TAC.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

LGBT Activists Harass Torrance Mayor, Lie to Public About their Privileges/Entitlement

 The LGBT hate groups are growing more brazen every day.

In Torrance, they insist on being celebrated, even though they claim that they were "born that way," and th

The way that they harassed Mayor Chen was quite disturbing.

Last year, he hosted a public forum to allow residents to hear about ongoing safety and business issues, but a number of LGBT activists insisted on harassing him because he would not approve a "pride" resolution.

The level of entitlement is quite disturbing.

LGBT activists insist on pushing this lie that they are "born that way." There is no evidence for this. And now they are crying and whining about how everyone should celebrate them, and if you don't want to go along with their coercive demands, they label you a hater, a bigot, a homophobe, etc.

This is true bullying, and it's quite ironic that one of the most abusive activists in the room, RG Wong, shamed Mayor Chen about his Asian-American heritage to justify their demands for a pride resolution.

Do these people really take themselves seriously at this point?

Also, does anyone notice the number of people who left the city council chambers while the LGBT activists were whining and complaining about a pride resolution.

The people of Torrance don't want this trash forced on them. They are tired of the woke, broke, joke of regressive leftism.

It's great to see Torrance, a Balanced City, is not interested in tipping the scale in favor of any one interest group.

Wyoming MassResistance forces County Commission to threaten Library Board chairman to clean Up Library


Wyoming MassResistance forces County Commission to threaten Library Board chairman: Clean up your act or face removal!

Fighting back against degenerate library officials and RINO politicians in conservative state.

RINO County Commissioner drops out of upcoming election over the pressure.

And more!

May 13, 2024
ALT TEXT A Wyoming MassResistance activist (lower right) describes the horrible material in the library to the County Commissioners. They aren't even paying attention. (See video clip below.) But we forced them to take action!

When taking on the Left in your area, it’s important to find a way to get things done!

Last year, a state legislator in Wyoming reached out to MassResistance for help. The legislator had been working with local activists in Fremont County on a number of issues. But the obscenity and pornography in the library (as well as in the schools) was a vexing problem.


Fremont County is one of the largest counties in the state and is solidly Republican. The Republican primaries basically decide the elections. It is also home to the Wind River Reservation (the only Indian reservation in Wyoming) which unfortunately has become a center for leftist politics and the LGBT agenda.

But the bigger problem is that leftists get elected as Republicans for many important local offices. And they appoint other horrible leftists for governing boards. People usually don’t realize what has happened until it’s too late.

As in many places, the library purposefully has brought in numerous sexually obscene books, particularly in the young adult section. Also, the son of one of our activists saw another patron looking at hardcore pornography on the library computers – but the library has refused to install porn filters.

We gathered a MassResistance chapter in Fremont County to push back. The leftists didn’t like it at all!

Confronting the Library Board

The activists began attending Library Board meetings and confronting them about these problems. It was shocking how condescending, hostile, and detached the Board members acted. For example, in the video clip below a group of activists look on while a mother reads from one of the extremely graphic sex books. The Board members looked uninterested and irritated that their time was being wasted, and simply told the mother to file a bureaucratic “book challenge.”

VIDEO: Library Board shows no reaction to sickening testimony about their books for kids (2 min 34 sec)

Confronting the County Commission

The Library Board members are appointed by the Fremont County Commission. The County Commission is made up of appalling RINOS with seemingly no moral compass except to stay in power.

Our MassResistance activists came and testified at their meetings. They would describe in horrible detail what’s in the children’s sections of the library. But the Commissioners simply sat stone-faced, hoping the citizens would finish quickly and not come back. This video clip is an example:

VIDEO: County Commissioners sit stone-faced as mother describes obscene content for kids in library (2 min 1 sec)

At one point, the County Commission decided they’d had enough “information” and began putting severe restrictions on public comment.

Violating its procedures to exclude conservatives from Library Board

Last June, two pro-family citizens applied to fill a vacating position on the Library Board. But the leftist Library Director labeled them “ultra-conservative” and told the Commissioners that they were not appropriate to be members.

According to emails that our activists received through a Freedom of Information request, the Library Director claimed that people who are (in her opinion) “ultra-conservative” would oppose “intellectual freedom” – i.e., obscenity and pornography for children – and that this would be a violation of the First Amendment. It’s the argument that pornographers targeting children have been making for decades. To claim it applies to libraries is particularly absurd.

To solve this “problem,” the Library Director violated the county’s own procedures and covertly allowed a previous Board member to re-apply after the posted cut-off date. Thus, the former member got re-appointed instead of the legitimate candidates. The Commissioners later stated they were unaware of that violation at the time. But they refused to do anything about it.

Our activists fight back

Our activists refused to give up. They made a huge effort to expose the terrible books, the appointment violation, and the other outrages of the County Commission and Library Board to the entire county.

ALT TEXT After uncovering what really happened, our activists made sure that the local media knew about it!

GOP issues “Resolution of No Confidence”

In particular, they strategically reached out to the Fremont County Republican Party Central Committee – and thoroughly educated them on the situation. That got a powerful reaction: In March 2024, the Fremont County GOP issued a Resolution of No Confidence to the four liberal County Commissioners, along with a list of reasons for doing so.

In an area where voters vote overwhelmingly Republican – but need to know which Republican to vote for – that information is very important.

County Commissioners swiftly react – and we get results!

There are two Commissioners up for re-election in the upcoming August Republican primary. Within days of the GOP Resolution of No Confidence, both incumbents announced they were not running again. (One of them, the Chairman, later changed his mind and decided to run. The other is still not running.)

But that was just the beginning. A few weeks later, on April 2, 2024, the County Commission wrote a blistering memorandum to the Library Board.

They demanded that the Board immediately address a list of problems that our activists were complaining about. Those included: the Library Director’s use of “labeling” people in her communications to the Board; age-appropriateness of books for minors; pornography filters on computers; making the Material Review Policy have public involvement, reflect local values, and not be unreasonably time-consuming or bureaucratic; and other issues.

To make their point, the Commissioners ended their letter with these strong statements:

We have witnessed inappropriate behaviors from the Board Chair, and members of the Library Board. This must stop.

If we don’t see the issues listed above addressed by the end of the May Library Board meeting, we will be forced to remove the Chair and place Commissioner Mike Jones on the Library Board for a few months to ensure these policies and concerns are addressed.

A victory for families versus leftists

This is a significant victory. Things are changing and the momentum is now on our side in Fremont County.

The County Commission is still too reticent to say the obvious: Such disgusting and sickening sexual obscenity has no place in any library – and that the people who put it there and defend it need to find other employment (and deal with their own likely personal pornography problems).

But that will come!

And more – important “Pride” victory in Fremont County

Lander is the county seat of Fremont County. For years, in June the Lander City Council would pass a very offensive proclaimation celebrating Pride Month. Here is a sample.

But last year (in June 2023), the City Council decided not to celebrate Pride Month after outcry from our Wyoming MassResistance activists. (Here is an example.) That was a very important victory for families – and society – that we’re replicating in many places.

The Lander City Council is expected to reject a similar Pride resolution for June of this year, according to sreports!

Little by little, the RINO public officials in Wyoming are getting the message from their constituents!

Final thoughts

We must always keep in mind that small victories lead to big victories. Across the country, MassResistance is focusing on moving forward!

Monday, May 13, 2024

Downtown Torrance Association Member: Torrance Residents are Ignorant Bigots

On May 7th, 2024, large numbers of Torrance residents spoke out against the proposed pride resolution for the city of Torrance.

For the second year in a row, Mayor Chen declined to recognize pride month, and rightfully so. These are behaviors, so-called lifestyle choices, and not innate identities.

Furthermore, he has shared that there are other proclamations which has dismissed, like "Walk Your Dog Week." It's time for the city council to get back to dealing with serious, substantive issues, not virtue-signaling over a bunch of divisive proclamations. These kind of government-based exhortations are just ridiculous.

But, there is one strident voice in the city of Torrance who insists on celebrating sexual perversion.

His name is Adam Schwartz:

Adam Schwartz

He is also a vocal member of the Downtown Torrance Association, and he is obsessed with pushing LGBT in the city of Torrance. From the Talk of Torrance:

At the June 6th Torrance City Council Meeting, several Torrance residents came to speak about the lack of a Pride Proclamation for the city. Mayor George Chen had made it clear that Torrance would not have a Pride Month. The Downtown Torrance Association decided to write, propose, and approve of their own People’s Pride Proclamation and read it during the Oral Communications of the June 6th meeting. 
Isabel Douvan Schwartz and Adam Schwartz, members of the Downtown Torrance Association, explained that, “if the City Council and the Mayor won't issue a Pride Proclamation this year, the people will. And [...] if the city drops the ball, Downtown Torrance has not and Downtown Torrance has your back”. 

It is really disturbing the extent that local activists want to normalize homosexuality and transgenderism in the public, and especially around children.

What does a business association have to do with pushing sodomy in the streets, anyway?

Schwartz was so determined for disturbed men to push their "schwartz" in public, that he insisted on launching his own pride celebration at the Torrance city council chambers last year:

Six people showed up ... really.

Does it make sense for six people to shove this destructive agenda onto everyone else? Why does the city of Torrance have to bend over (no pun intended) to celebrate one interest group at the expense of every other person in the city?

This year, Adam with another small band of LGBT activists (really, disruptors) came to the May 7th, 2024 Torrance City Council meeting to support Councilwoman Sharon Kalani's pushing for a pride resolution, even though the mayor had wisely, correctly decided to forgo the resolution again this year.

What was really stunning, and quite vindicating, was that the vast majority of people in the audience opposed the resolution. People of all ages and backgrounds said NO to pride. It was a great scene. Clearly, Torrance residents don't want sexual degradation to get special treatment.

The Muslim community came out in large numbers to oppose the pride resolution, as well. I was honored to meet with them the week before, informing that Councilman Sheikh was thinking about supporting this resolution. They were glad that I had informed them about what was going on. They confronted Councilman Sheikh about the resolution at Friday prayers at the Islamic Institute of Torrance, and then they appeared in considerable numbers in person to oppose the resolution! It was great to see a bold stance against this perverse agenda which has been forced on the general public in all too many ways, shapes, and forms.

Not just the Muslims, but many Christians, and many Asian-Americans also spoke out against this terrible resolution. If Councilwoman Kalani was trying to unite the community, she did a pretty good job, but not in the way that she intended.

Councilman Aurelio Mattucci gave one of the boldest statements against the resolution, calling out the fact that the whole LGBT has shown its fascist face, shoving its abuses in everyone else's face. The fact that his son had received an invasive, abusive questionaire about his own gender identity and sexual conduct was really infuriating. Keep in mind that Aurelio's son is only ten years old, yet he received a survey asking him "What is your gender?" with four choices listed (there are only two sexes, for those who are till confused), and then another question asking him if he was gay, straight, non-binary, etc. Not even five years ago, if a stranger was asking someone's child such outrageous questions, he would be in a jail cell. That is child abuse, nothing more.

Yes, a divided city council ultimately approved the terrible resolution, which corrupts the civil rights movement and turns lies and abuse into essential characters, but in the long run, the massive turnout of people against this ill-conceived resolution, plus the clear lack of peace or joy in the faces of those who ultimately caved in and supported this resolution, proved that the passage of this resolution was no victory.

Adam Schwartz certainly shared as much:

Adam Schwartz had a total meltdown on social media after the city council meeting. He called Torrance residents ignorant bigots.

He called Asian-Americans ignorant bigots.

He called Muslim-Americans ignorant bigots.

He called Christians ignorant bigots.

He called anyone who thinks that sexual license shouldn't be celebrated in the streets and shoved in people's faces ignorant bigots.

He called children, adults, men and women, parents who care the safety of their well-being ignorant bigots.

What's worse, though, is that when Councilman Mattucci called out the abusive surveys his son had received, Councilwoman Kalani called that point "decisive" in her push for the pride month resolution.

And apparently, so does Adam Schawartz.

He's ok with kids being groomed in the classroom by this agenda, too.

This is who the Downtown Torrance Association thinks should represent them?

Contact them and ask them: "When are you going to get rid of Adam Schwartz? How do you expect Downtown Torrance to thrive when one of your most outspoken members thinks that Torrance residents are ignorant bigots? How do you expect Torrance businesses to thrive when they are represented by a hatemonger who thinks it's OK for creepy adults to groom kids in the classroom?"


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